Zone of the Enders HD: Latest screens show off the fine details
Konami has already confirmed that the long awaited ‘Zone of the Enders: HD Collection’ will hit this fall, now you get to enjoy a few screens as you wait out summer.
The screens show you just how much work went into remaking the former 2001 Playstation 2 game. You can check out the full gallery that was released from Konami below. The Zone of Enders: HD Collection (box art below) will be released this fall for PS3 and Xbox 360. We have added a few of the screens released earlier so you get a better feel for the game. We were sure you wouldn’t mind more screens of such a popular title.
14 Jun 2024 by Sarah Fox Contact email , twitter more news PS3 News, Screens, Xbox360 News
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5 pts
I can’t help but notice you have HD remake screenshots in a SD resolution