Crysis 3 releases ‘Interactive’ trailer, making choices that matter

Crysis 3 releases ‘Interactive’ trailer, making choices that matter

July 26th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  EA and Crytek have put together a 20 minute ‘interactive trailer’ that sheds some light on the choice-mechanic that will be featured in Crysis 3. The full trailer can be seen below.

Crysis 3: E3 2012 ‘Gameplay’ trailer is just as wonderful as you hoped for

June 4th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  EA has so many big titles coming up it may be hard to keep track of them all, one game that is on the top of many people’s list is ‘Crysis 3′. You can check out the official gameplay trailer from E3 below.

Gorgeous new Crysis 3 screens and concept art exposed

May 16th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  EA has released a new set of Crysis 3 screens and wonderful new concept art for their upcoming title ‘Crysis 3′. The screens show new weapons, locations and inspiring graphics.

Crysis 3 screens show the urban jungle of New York

May 3rd 2012 By contact email , twitter

  The latest set of screens for EA’s ‘Crysis 3′ show more of the environment that you will be exploring in the upcoming game.

Crysis 3 ‘Gameplay Trailer’ where the hunted becomes the hunter

April 24th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  EA has released the first ‘gameplay trailer’ for their upcoming title ‘Crysis 3′, showing more of the CryENGINE® 3 and its amazing visuals.

Crysis 3 detailed with screens, pre-order bonuses and setting

April 16th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  EA and Crytek have announced the official details for their upcoming sandbox-shooter ‘Crysis 3′. With the latest information on the game comes new screens and pre-order bonuses including the ‘Hunter’s Edition’.

Reported Crysis 3 images hit the web

April 15th 2012 By contact email , twitter

  Just a few days after the Crysis 3 boxart and title were accidentally posted on the Origin store, more images have reportedly hit the web.

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