Sony begins another PSN maintenance today, some functions unavailable

Sony begins another PSN maintenance today, some functions unavailable

January 17th 2013 By contact email , twitter


The Playstation Store, the Account Management section and PSN as a whole may cause a few hiccups today if you attempt to access them. Sony announced earlier this week that a scheduled maintenance would be begin on January 17, 2013. Here are the details and estimated downtime. 


Matthew Harper, Sr. Manager of PlayStation Digital Platforms, made the announcement of the maintenance window earlier this week in an effort to warn potential gamers of the service’s possible downtime. In a note to players posted online Harper stated, “In order to continue bringing you the best online games experience on PSN, we will perform routine maintenance beginning the morning of Thursday, January 17th”.


The maintenance is planned to begin at 11:00am EST Thursday morning and could last until 11:00pm EST of the same day. Harper stated that “online play and apps” should not be affected, if you have logged into PSN during anytime between January 15, 2024 up until the beginning of the maintenance window.


source: playstation


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aussie gamer


how come I logged on 19/1/2024 and it still shows the message about maintenance. And other members of my family can play their psn account apart from me. I tried to access my psn account 2 days ago and today at 7:30 AM.



The only thing were getting today is nuketown zombies



@ehyde1029 I got nuketown zombies in November... It's awesome... sucks to be you



It also figures that Sony would screw over the season pass owners for black ops 2. They could have done this maintenance over night or even yesterday morning so that you can receive the downloads you paid for on the day they released it. Sony jap SOBs figure out what youre doing and get real



figures, everything i own is downloaded n cant access none of it because cant sign into ps, what bs . if i buy a game via ps store its on my console i should be able to use it without being online