Far Cry 3 pushed back, new release date is December 4 LittleBigPlanet PS Vita pre-orders get Bioshock and Knights of…


Actor may have leaked EA’s plans for ‘Army of Four’ on Twitter ‘Fable Heroes’ appears on Xbox Live Marketplace Adidas…


Predictions for Star Wars MMO enter in at 3 million sales Fastest Lap With The Tone – 8/4 – 8/10…


Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes storms Android and iOS devices Sony shows off its new PlayStation Move Racing Wheel…


Crytek to host Crysis 3 beta starting next week DC Universe Online highlights ‘Home Turf’ DLC update with trailer THQ…

Digital Version

Obama asks Congress to fund research on “violent video games” Army of TWO the Devil’s Cartel ‘Overkill’ trailer rolls out…