Deep Silver has released a series of new screens for their upcoming Pirate RPG ‘Risen 2: Dark Waters’. The new screens show off a lof the amazing locals and graphics that the game will be supporting.
The story of ‘Risen 2: Dark Waters’ surrounds a hero that the Inquisition dispatches to kill “monstrous sea creatures” that are blocking shipping lines. In a press-release Deep Silver talks about the new features of the game, “New gameplay elements add to the diversity of Risen 2; for example, players can now use firearms. And, being pirates, adventurers can also employ special new skills called Dirty Tricks, allowing them to confuse or attack enemies in combat”.
Risen 2: Dark Waters will be available on April 27th 2012 for Windows PC and on May 25th 2012 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3. Risen 2: Dark Waters will be available via digital distribution for PC, and for both PC and consoles as a retail version.