Reportedly leaked poster points to Black Ops 2 info inbound
18 Apr 2024 by John Stewart in PC News, PS3 News, Xbox360 News / 3 Comments
A reportedly leaked poster from Activision and Treyarch (shown below) has founds its way to the web. With a date posted just around the corner, websites fly with speculation and rumors and all bets are going to Black Ops 2.
The poster was posted by website ‘Kotaku’ and simply has the date and slogan “return for debriefing”, on May 2, 2012. At the bottom of the page holds the trademarks for both Activision and Treyarch.
This is just one of many small indications that Black Op’s 2 would be on its way. Despite it being incredibly successful, Activision has stated they will produce another Call of Duty title this year, and purchased the domain blackops2.com.
No official word has been given from Activision on if the poster is indeed real, or if it even points to Black Ops 2. We will keep you updated as more information comes in.
source | kotakuJMattHicks moderator::starts shaking::
I hope so. I held out on not buying CoD:MW3 because I felt something better would follow it…I hope this is it. I’ve been playing BlackOps since the day it dropped, I’d love to see another iteration of it.
JMattHicks i’m with you, felt that Blops went over better than MW3. I’m excited to see what they will do with it. I have one rule though, ICE T must be in it again.