A number of PS3 Battlefield 3 players have pointed out that there are significant voice chat problems and input lag when playing the game. DICE has heard your cries and will be fixing the problem.
When asked about the issues and whether or not DICE has responded in a reasonable time, CEO Patrick Bach stated: “It’s interesting that you brought up the input lag, which has been a really hard thing for us to fix, but in the Close Quarters expansion pack we’re actually fixing it. I didn’t want to bring it up as a feature, but we are improving it quite significantly, and hopefully players who have felt it before will feel the difference, that it feels much snappier and gives better feedback, so we’re definitely listening.
And on the voice chat functionality, we’ve been working on it and I think we’ll probably have the perfect solution very, very soon. It’s very hard to fix between the combination of the built-in systems and our systems, and it’s not that easy to just make it a priority over everything else because it will affect the rest of the game.”