Newell states that Apple not Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo is the biggest threat to STEAM box

Newell states that Apple not Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo is the biggest threat to STEAM box

January 30th 2013 By contact email , twitter


News of Valve bringing STEAM to the living rooms was all anyone could talk about during this year’s Consumer Electronics Show 2013. While most people imagined new scenarios of Valve taking on the big three console developers, Valve has someone else in mind. 


Gabe Newell gave a lecture at the University of Texas earlier today, where Polygon reported that Newell mentioned that Apple is the number one threat to the new STEAM box platform. The gaming industry has anxiously awaited for Apple to enter the living room as well, though no such facet of the company exists that anyone knows about publicly. Though more and more games are coming to OS X these past few years, many Mac Laptops aren’t exactly engineered for gaming the way custom built PCs are, a console version of Mac OS X would theoretically fix that problem once and for all.


Then think of the Mac App Store, Apple could easily limit Mac version games to the store, giving players an easy way to bypass STEAM. It will be an interesting development to say the least, if it ever comes to that.


The STEAM box is coming, but a release date is still unclear at this point. Valve has always had an amazing ability to keep things underwraps until just moments before consumers can get their hands on it. One thing is for certain, STEAM fans are a solid, well pleased bunch of gamers. STEAM sales, the game community and expanding features would be hard for anyone to interuppe, even Apple.


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