• Miyamoto confirms new Mario title for Wii-U at E3


    Miyamota had a recent interview with El Mundo, a Spanish newspaper, in which he intended to talk about the new 3DS integration at the Louve; instead the new focus of the article has turned to a new Mario game for the Wii U. 


    European website ‘Eurogamer’ did in fact received confirmation from Nintendo regarding some vague hints that Miyamota made about the unannounced title. “In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year’s E3 Expo,” Nintendo told Eurogamer. “We’ll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date.”


    No other details were given at this time, we will keep you updated as we get closer to E3 this June.


    source | elmundo, eurogamer

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    wii u
    5 pts

    Please, if they make it 3D, don’t make it as pixelated as the one in the wii or nintendo 64, time to take advantage of the “super” next gen processor.


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