Mass Effect N7 weekend is ‘Savage’, begins this Friday
Bioware continues to pump out the community days with its hit ‘Mass Effect 3′, the next N7 mission that everyone can join in on is named ‘Savage’. Here are the details to to win the Allied Missions and claim your prizes.
The N7 mission will last from June 22 through June 24. The Allies have a goal of killing 7 million troopers, this can be (Cerberus Assault Trooper, Husks, Cannibals, Geth Troopers). Your squad goal is “Extraction on any difficulty with the squad using a mix of krogan, vorcha, or batarian classes”.
If completed everyone will get a ‘Victory Pack’, complete the squad goal and you get a very special ‘Commendation Pack’
Operation Savage begins at 6pm PST Friday June 22 and ends at 4am PST Monday June 25.
Packs will be distributed Tuesday evening if the mission is successful.
source | bioware20 Jun 2024 by Sarah Fox Contact email , twitter more news PC | Mac, PS3 News, Xbox360 News
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