• Mass Effect 3: N7 Weekend Operation named Shieldwall, fight the Reapers


    Bioware has released the latest details for the upcoming ‘N7 Mission’ for their third-person shooter ‘Mass Effect 3′, this one called ‘ShieldWall’ and it’s against the Reapers. 


    Operation SHIELDWALL is set to start on Friday, May 25 at 6:00PM PT and last until Sunday, May 27 at 5:00PM PT. It will be playable onPS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Bioware reminds players to, “set the “Upload Gameplay Feedback” setting to “On” in the online options to be able to participate in this N7 Operation”.


    Please note that due to a known issue, PlayStation 3 users will not see the promotion screen but they will be participating in Operation SHIELDWALL and will be rewarded.


    The specs for the future weekend are as follows:

    • Allied Goal: Promote 50,000 characters.
    • Squad Goal: Promote 3 characters.
    • Special Circumstance: Due to the failure of Operation SILENCER, more banshees will spawn with Reaper enemies and might also spawn with other enemies.
    • Squad Goal Success: Squad members awarded a Commendation Pack.
    • Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack (high chance of containing a Rare weapon).



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