LittleBigPlanet will release on the PS Vita this September

LittleBigPlanet will release on the PS Vita this September

August 2nd 2012 By contact email , twitter


Sony has given an official release date for their upcoming PS Vita title ‘LittleBigPlanet’. The handheld version of the popular series will hit the PS Vita late September. 


The official date is September 25, 2023 to be precise. That is the official North American release date for the game. Sony has put together a short video to show off the title one last time before the upcoming release. The video highlights a few of the game’s many features and can be seen below.



Sony also made it clear that the pre-order promotion is still underway, allowing players to

pick up BioShock or Knights of Old costumes for free just by pre-ordering the title. You can check out the pre-order bonuses and pictures of the skins here on Amazon.


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