• Lifetime PS3 Sales Nearing Xbox 360′s

    Sony may be posting a loss in profit due to recent price cuts for its PlayStation 3 console, but it’s sales numbers are going strong. Throughout its lifetime, the PS3 is nearing the total sales number of the Xbox 360, trailing by just 1.3 million sales. 
    Sony stated that the PS3 has sold 56 million units globally while the 360 pushed 57.3 units. Keep in mind that the PS3 launched a year after the 360.
    Sales were still strong for the PS3 and PSP for the second financial quarter, which ended September 30th. Sony sold sold 3.7 million PS3s in this span, up from 3.5 million a year earlier, as well as 1.7 million PSPs, up from 1.5 million, and 1.2 million PS2s, down from 1.5 million.