At the Apple WWDC keynote address today, Apple revealed a new line of next-gen MacBook Pro laptops. Apple used one of its most popular recent gaming titles to show off the new Retina Display, ‘Diablo III’.
The new screen is the most impressive resolution that an Apple device has yet to deliver, coming in at 2880 x 1800 resolution, now the highest-resolution notebook display on the market. The new laptop also sports 3rd-generation 2.7GHz Ivy bridge processors, which can be ‘turbo boosted’ up to 3.7GHz. You can add that to the Nvidia GeForce GT 650m graphics card and up to 16GB RAM. The new next-gen machines will also support up to 768GB internal flash storage.
You can expect to hear more about the machines in the coming months, it will start shipping this fall.