DC Universe Online highlights ‘Home Turf’ DLC update with trailer

DC Universe Online highlights ‘Home Turf’ DLC update with trailer

January 23rd 2013 By contact email , twitter


DC Universe Online is still pumping out new content for heroes and villains to enjoy. The upcoming 6th DLC update named ‘Home Turf’ will be available next week, here is your first look. 


Sony Online Entertainment released the following trailer earlier today, along with a few details on the ‘Mainframe. The update will go live on January 29, 2024 on PC and PS3.



The video above touches on ‘The Mainframe’ which “allows players to unlock powerful, upgradeable devices and research mods to use in combat” according to SOE. Both Heroes and villains will have access to “Backups and Henchmen”, a necessity for any crime-stopper or crime-spree. There will also be Sidekicks and Accomplices to assist players in battles.


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