• Bioshock Infinite ‘Booker and Liz pt. 2′ video

    Irrational games have released part two of their ‘Booker and Liz’ series. The trailer focuses on the people behind the duo. It is a look behind the character creation process and the voice-acting techniques used to create the dialog in the game. 
    The video once again features Ken Levine, the creative director for Irrational Games who of course is working on Bioshock Infinite. In the video you can learn about the process that Levine goes through with the characters and the actors that voice them in the game. The process isn’t as cut-and-dry as you might think.
    Not only do the actors have to worry about how they sound, but their facial emotions are used as a reference in making the game. It is actually a very interesting look at the behind-the-scenes action that goes into this upcoming blockbuster. A video that fans of the series are sure to not want to miss.