Battlefield 3 ‘Armored Kill’ DLC coming this September, new gameplay trailer
19 Jul 2024 by Sarah Fox Contact Author by email , twitter filed in PC | Mac, PS3 News, Videos, Xbox360 News
EA and DICE have released a new ‘Armored Kill’ DLC gameplay trailer, set to be the next DLC expansion pack for their hit FPS ‘Battlefield 3′. You can watch the latest trailer for the title and get the details below.
The ‘Armored Kill’ gameplay trailer shows off the new exclusive in-game content, new vehicles, assignments and more. In a prepared statement sent to the press, EA talks about the new DLC and what fans of the title can expect:Taking vehicular mayhem to the next level as only Battlefield can, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill features 5 new drivable vehicles including mobile artillery, tanks, ATV’s complete with over 20 vehicle specific unlocks. Players will also have the ability to spawn in the all-new gunship and rain death from above.
Also included in the DLC is a new game-mode called ‘Tank Superiority’, “where heavy vehicles clash in order to control key areas of the map” according to EA. Check out the premiere trailer showcasing the snow-capped Alborz Mountain as well as the open terrain found in the Bandar Desert, the largest map ever showcased in Battlefield.
Battlefield 3 Premium members will get 2 weeks early access to Armored Kill as well as Battlefield 3: Aftermath coming this December and Battlefield 3: End Game coming in March of 2013.
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