Author Taylor

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    • Uncharted Golden Abyss Review


      After well, less than a year, another Uncharted game is in the midst. This time it is not brought to you by Naughty Dog but by the PS2/PSP developers over at Sony Bend Studios. Can this Uncharted entry be enough to launch the Vita to success or will this seal the fate of Sonys new handheld?

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    • Japanese Playstation Vita Impressions (Review)


      At E3 2011 Sony announced a new portable system that was said to mimic the console experience in all ways possible. Now six months later the Playstation Vita is here, well in Japan anyways. Does this handheld stand up to the promises made by Sony earlier this year?

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    • Game of the Year 2011: Staff Picks


      Welcome to the end of the year 2011! With the end of the first official year of the website we all thought it would be a fantastic time to introduce a Game of the Year article. Simply put this is your one-stop shop for the best games of 2011 according to our editor staff. Each staff member has a page; to move on to the next page you can use the page numbering at the bottom. For convenience I will type a small index at the end of each page to help you navigate through out editors. First up is Taylor.

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    • Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Review


      With the Call of Duty franchise inching closer and closer to being linked to sports titles with their yearly releases it’s becoming more and more difficult for gamers to feel like they’re getting what they’re paying for. That being said Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is back and is the eighth title in the long running series.

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    • GoldenEye 007 Reloaded Review


      In late August 1997, a game was released that was highly regarded as the greatest First Person Shooters to come to console, and held on to it’s legacy until late 2001 with the released of Halo CE. Thirteen years later after much jumble with licensing the Goldeneye name was finally used once again in Goldeneye 007.

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    • Battlefield 3 Review


      Electronic Arts and DICE are back this year for the highly anticipated, third major game, in their long running Battlefield franchise. After taking some time off making the Bad Company games and 2142 they’re back to bring forward the next big Battlefield game. With all the hype surrounding Battlefield 3, can this game live up to it?

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    • Batman: Arkham City Review


      About four years ago a game was shown at E3 that cautiously hyped people towards a possible successful comic book hero game. Batman Arkham Asylum was announced, not to be tied to any of the movies and to bring a dark and eerie atmosphere with a smooth and decent combat flow.

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    • RAGE Review


      id Software is an interesting company. They’ve brought forth some of the most ground-breaking games in the industry. They release a new game every five to six years, This year marks the release of RAGE. An ambitious post apocalyptic first person RPG game, which outside of the look of the weapons has no resemblance or ties to Quake or Doom. But can RAGE stand along side id Software’s past releases?

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    • God of War: Origins Collection Review


      God Of War is easily one of my favourite series of games out there, with the perfect blend of brutal and visceral combat mixed with light puzzles to keep your brain moving forward, God Of War (series) is a perfect example of game design done right.

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    • NHL 12 Review


      With winter rapidly approaching and the hockey season just around the corner, it’s that time of year, EA has set out to better itself over last years hit, NHL 11. Is NHL 12 a different enough experience to warrant the $60 price tag?

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    • Resistance 3 Review


      Resistance 3 is the third installment in a Playstation 3 exclusive series that tells the tale of an alternate 1951, where the chimera have taken over the earth. An alien threat that infects humans and changes them into chimera. Does Resistance 3 have something substantial to offer to the series?

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    • Deus Ex Human Revolution Review


      Deus Ex Human Revolution is a follow up to the 2000 hit Deus Ex. The original Deus Ex was a huge success because of the choice they gave the player. Almost every situation in the game could be attacked from multiple angles. Can Deus Ex Human Revolution please those who invested so much time in the original, while appealing to a whole new audience that never played the original?

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    • Catherine Review


      Catherine is a completely Japanese game, brought forward from the Persona Team. It’s probably the strangest game I’ve played in a while and has some very simplistic and reminiscent gameplay. Is Catherine worth your time and money?

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    • Alice : Madness Returns Review


      American McGee’s Alice was a game that received a very warm reception back in the year 2000, now with his own company Spicy Horse, American McGee returns to the dark twisted world that he created in Alice: Madness Returns, can this game do the original justice eleven years later?

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    • F.3.A.R Review


      First Encounter Assault Recon (F.E.A.R) has been a one of a kind experience through its past iterations, with the absolutely crazy and absurd ending of F.E.A.R 2, can F.E.A.R 3 move the game and the story forward, or is it still stuck in 2005?

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    • inFamous 2 Review


      A little over two years ago Sucker Punch released an open world title that shook the foundations of open world games and brought forth arguably the best game on the Playstation 3 platform, now inFamous 2 seeks to hold the throne and deliver a great open world experience, but does it succeed?

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    • Duke Nukem Forever Review

      Duke Nukem Forever is the newest and most likely last game to come out of 3D Realms, with the help of a few other developers, most notably, Gearbox Software, Duke Nukem Forever has finally seen the light of day. After it’s un-healthy long development cycle and it’s HUGELY successful predecessor can Duke still hold the title as king?

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    • Important Things you Should Know Before Purchasing the WiiU

      So there’s no doubt that E3 2011 has been a big year for Nintendo more than anyone else, with the announcement of their new home console the WiiU. Before thinking about if you should invest in it, I wanted to warn you of a couple of things from a business stand point and why the crowd left with such meh reactions to the announcement. This article is really directed towards those who are hardcore Nintendo fans, but more for the general hardcore gamer.

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    • Microsoft E3 Press Conference Wrap-up and Impressions

      E3 is that time of year, where all developers and massive publishers show as much as they can to build up the hype for the holiday season releases, but for gamers, it’s a first look into a lot of games that have only been shown small bits to the media. As always this year has brought forth the big three press conferences, with a couple of smaller ones but it all starts off with Microsoft.

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    • Dirt 3 Review


      Dirt 3 is the follow-up to Colin McRae: Dirt 2. If you’re not familiar with the franchise, it’s a very dirty racer. Lots of drifting, lots of dirt and lots of action. With the racing genre getting increasingly more crowded, can Dirt 3 float above the rest?

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    • Brink Review


      Brink is an ambitious, highly anticipated First Person Shooter from Splash Damage Studios, the makers of Enemy Territories and Doom 3. This is their first attempt at a console game to tag along with the PC release. With all the ambition and anticipation behind Brink, does it have a place in the much crowded First Person Shooter market?

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    • Black Ops Escalation Map Pack Tips and Tricks


      Need help with learning how to attack each of the new Escalation Map Pack, well I’ve got your six, I will run down each map, showing what routes work the best for those who like play like me, quiet but effective, quiet routes with little resistance, usually one on one situations.

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    • Portal 2 Review


      The original Portal was somewhat of a test application, something that was completely outrageous that they stuck as a very minor addition to the Orange box to distinguish it from just buying all the games separately. Was more of a bonus test game. First debuted on the Xbox 360 with the Orange Box back in 2007, this game was a MASSIVE success, now almost 4 years later, Will the sequel do the first one, and all its fans justice?

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    • Gears of War 3 Beta Blowout – Tips,Trick,Rundown


      The Gears of War 3 Beta is right around the corner for those who pre-ordered Bulletstorm and a week and a bit out, for those who pre-ordered it. Thanks to someone out there in the community, I have been able to play the beta over the past couple of days, and will share all the knowledge I’ve got from the beta, from the maps to the weapons, to how you should attack a map. Before we get into maps let’s cover the UI (User Interface).

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    • Shift 2:Unleashed Review


      Need for Speed, is a franchise that has been going on for a very long time. Ever since the Underground series EA has tried to bring Need for Speed back to its former glory. Shift 2 is the newest Need For Speed game, picking up with the success of Need For Speed Shift. Can it bring Need for Speed back on track? or is it just another one to miss?

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