Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City soundtrack hits the virtual shelves

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City soundtrack hits the virtual shelves

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Sumething Else Music Works has released the full soundtrack for ‘Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Now you can relive all the terrorizing moments inside your brain as you listen quietly in a dark corner of your basement. 


The soundtrack was composed by Capcom’s very own Shusaku Uchiyama. The Resident Evil series is currently celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and has sold over 47 million units worldwide, according to a press-release sent out from Capcom earlier today.


Shusaku Uchiyama is no stranger to the Resident Evil series. He ahs worked on previous titles like ‘Resident Evil 2′ and ‘Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles’.


The soundtrack is available at these digital distribution sites.


Amazon, iTunes, Sumthing Else Music Works

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