Portal 2′s Wheatley will remain in space thanks to NASA

Portal 2′s Wheatley will remain in space thanks to NASA

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Valve’s charismatic ‘Portal 2′ characters already touch gamers in every corner of the globe, now they can reach into space. Valve’s famous bot ‘Wheatley’ has been lazer-engraved and finally completed his date with destiny. 


On the official Portal blog, Valve posted the following picture (shown on the right). The picture shows a laser-engraved Wheatley on the Japanese HTV-3 resupply craft with the caption “in spaaaaaaace!”. The engraving came from an “anonymous tech at NASA” according to Valve.


It will be hard to top Wheatley’s space departure, though we are sure Richard Branson is now planning to reconstruct a working Wheatley that will teleport into space using an actual Portal Gun.


source | thinkwithportals

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