• Microsoft: ‘No ETA’ on Xbox 360 video color output issues

    Some Xbox 360 users have stated that the recent dashboard update is causing errors with video-playback on their Xbox 360s. Although Microsoft is aware of the issue, no timeline has been given on a fix. 
    The errors seem to be most apparent when playing, or streaming, videos in 1080p and does not affect actual gameplay on the device. Website Digital Foundry were one of the first to report on the bug, stating they, “saw video playback washed out, emphasizing compression artifacts and lowering image quality compared to the previous, perfectly serviceable video player.”
    Digital Foundry also went as far as to blame Microsoft for ignoring the warnings of its own beta testers saying that Microsoft, “appeared to be ignoring the feedback of its beta testers to the point of deleting reports of the issue, causing dismay from those who put their time and effort into road-testing the new update.”
    Larry Hryb, programing director at Microsoft took to Twitter last night to assure gamers that a fix was on the way, “We’re aware of the colorspace issue w/ some Xbox video apps & are working on a fix. No ETA yet but we hope to have an update soon.”