• Meet and Follow the Staff of Gaming Examiner


    Gaming Examiner


    Sarah Fox Editor-in-chief

    Where you can find her: @sarahfoxes

    Sarah’s history in PR and Marketing led her to be one of the co-founders of Gaming Examiner. She is the current Editor-in-Chief with a main focus on Gaming Headlines.

    John Stewart Press Director

    John handles all of the press and marketing relations with Gaming Examiner. A co-founder of the website along with his brother Sea, he handles all media outreach and external marketing for the site.

    Sean Stewart Creative Director

    Where you can find him@seannythomas

    Sean is the final third of the founders that helped make Gaming Examiner possible. He is the lead graphic designer and design editor for the site. With a strong background in art and photography he works closely with the marketing team to ensure our site is exciting and functional.

    Tony Hsieh Senior Editor

    Where you can find him: @suckerv

    Tony Hsieh is our Senior Editor. A devoted husband and graphic animations designer, he leads the team to bring you the news and articles that you read everyday. Based in California he also heads up our west-coast division.

    Brendan van der Vlist Features Editor

    Where you can find him: @static_22

    Brendan van der Vlist is our Features Editor. Breaking away from the news to bring you up to date interviews and reviews that show our readers the behind the scene efforts that go into the games they love.


    Justin Smith: Senior Editor

    Where you can find him: @jsmith360

    Justin is another of our Senior Editors, not only does he help ensure our news is of the utmost quality, he is also the Director of our Podcasts. Stationed in Pennsylvania, he leads the East Coast division of our news team.

    Contact Info:
    Sarah Fox | sarah@gamingexaminer.com

    John Stewart | press@gamingexaminer.com

    Sean Stewart | sean@gamingexaminer.com

    Brendan Van der Vlist | brendan@gamingexaminer.com

    Tony Hsieh | tony@gamingexaminer.com

    Justin Smith | justin@gamingexaminer.com
    Not pictured

    Jordan Torres | jordan@gamingexaminer.com