Halo 4 shows off ‘Longbow’ map but keeps new game-mode a secret
Halo 4 has already collected quite a large following since its big debut at E3 2012 this year. The team at Microsoft have released some new screens for the upcoming FPS that are quite chilling.
The screens are of ‘Longbow’ a new polar map on ‘Concord’. 343 didn’t give any specifics about the game-mode that will be featured for the map but did release the images so you can get a good look at the local.
The team behind the design talked about the map on the Halo Waypoint blog earlier today:The goal of Longbow was to create a playspace that showcases one of our new (and unannounced) game modes. Early in development, we considered several options, including making it something like a big Arecibo-type telescope built into a valley.
Longbow supports both infantry and vehicle play. On foot, players will notice it’s mostly a mid-to-long range map with pockets of close range combat in and around the base structures. However, there are plenty of vehicles (currently Warthogs, Mongooses, and Ghosts) and routes through the map that will make fans of vehicular combat happy.
29 Jun 2024 by John Stewart Contact email , twitter more news Xbox360 News
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