Sony Santa Monica has unveiled the latest details on their upcoming title ‘God of War: Ascension’, this time Sony will be adding a large multiplayer mechanic to the game.
The multiplayer mode will support up to 8 characters, pitting two teams of 4 against each-other to defeat a titan-sized boss. You will be able to create your own ‘Spartan Warrior’ who will then fight for one of the gods; Poseidon, Aries, Hades or Zeus. You will be granted certain abilities in battle based on this choice. Later on, players will earn experience and develop their character with stronger abilities.
Sony Santa Monica said not being able to choose Kratos or other iconic characters was a choice they made to stop everyone from picking the same characters. The ‘Blades of Chaos’ come standard, though different versions are available. More weapons will become unlocked through leveling and experience points.
The demo level shown to the press was of the ‘Domination’ game mode. The two opposing teams battled a Cyclops trying to gain the ‘Spear of Olympus’. Not only will you have to fight the Cyclops minions as you battle closer and closer to your goal, but you and your team will have to take down the giant-beast before you are through.
Here are the first screens of the multiplayer event