Choosing the Playstation Vita, a personal reflection on laziness
23 Oct 2023 by Sarah Fox in Editorials, Featured News, PSVita / 3 Comments
Whether you have been burned by handheld devices in the past, or your devotion to non-Sony devices forbids you to try anything new, there are many reasons why you should give the Playstation Vita another look.
Sony itself, in all it’s electronic glory, has had its share of bad launches. With the Playstation Vita however, it seems like Sony made a list of all its shortcomings in the past and is checking them off one by one.
The first course-correction with the Playstation Vita launch is the games. Sony made sure that on day one players will have an impressive line-up to choose from. Obviously the big hitters are Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Resistance: Burning Skies but Sony isn’t putting all its eggs in these two baskets. There is Super Stardust Delta, Ruin and Gravity Rush to keep you playing as well. In fact there are a whole slew of other titles already confirmed to add to the launch list. With many more being developed as we speak.
Although games are the most important aspect to have at launch, Portable gaming devices need more than that nowadays. We expect our devices to be able to do anything else we need in our daily lives. We expect them to connect to our social networks, interact with other players and have the ability to surf the web and play our media. The PS Vita takes care of all those worries.
Obviously the PS Vita will have access to the Playstation Store, where you can instantly download new games, new applications and new media. With the 3G model you can do that anywhere, with the wifi model you can do it anywhere you have a connection. The connectivity to the PS3 is another feature that is perfect for PS3 users but won’t be as useful if you don’t have one. Though other consoles or gaming devices are not the PS Vita’s biggest competitor, it’s something far more common…(cont.)
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http://www.twitter.com/sarahfoxes Sarah Fox