Sony announced that YouTube was coming to the PS Vita a few weeks ago, now you can download the app on your PS Vita starting today. Don Mesa, Director Handheld Consoles Product Planning and Platform Software Innovation, for SCEA broke the news this afternoon.
The service will be available “later today” and will be a free download on the PSN store. Key features include:
Recommended Videos: Displays videos recommended from YouTube
Search: Search for videos by typing a keyword
Viewing History: Displays the most recent videos you’ve viewed
Add to Favorites: Displays a list of videos you’ve added to your Favorites list. You must be signed into your account to add a video to your Favorites.
According to Mesa, “Videos will be viewable in two modes – full screen and small screen. In Full Screen mode, a control panel will be displayed on the screen, which will allow you to easily expand or minimize videos. Additionally, an HD button will appear when playing high definition (up to 720p) videos. Simply tap on the HD button to switch from HD to SD”.
source | playstation