Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono seems to have quite a bit of faith in the upcoming Wii U, despite that public’s less than stellar initial perception following an E3 2011 reveal. Ono claims that the E3 concept reveal was not an accurate representation of what the Wii U can offer.
“What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offer. We have been trying the development kits and some of its new characteristics will improve its possibilities. It isn’t something like Kinect or similar accessories, it’s something different.
I can’t tell you more about it because, if I do, Nintendo will send assassins to finish me! But let’s say that Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.”
Rather than pass judgement on a console that has yet to be truly “revealed,” I suppose I can wait to see what Nintendo has up its sleeve.