• Bethesda anticipates live Skyrim 1.4 patch this week, PS3 and Xbox 360 after

    In what is slowly becoming the most anticipated patch in gaming history, Bethesda trickles out some more information about Skyrim’s 1.4 patch that is due to hit the PC very soon and consoles later. 

    The 1.4 patch is now live on STEAM as promised by Bethesda, you can view the patch notes on our site here.
    Original POST:
    There is some good news in this update though, as Bethesda says they “anticipate” that the 1.4 update will go live this week on PC and that they will send the patch to Microsoft and Sony shortly after. The 1.4 update is scheduled to fix a host of errors and bugs that have been plaguing the game on both the PC and console versions. The PS3 seems to be suffering more on the console market, with lag problems and PS3 freezing issues with larger save files.
    The official statement on the Bethesda.blog is as follows:

    Update 1/30: A third beta update (1.4.21) is now available on Steam. The update features one new change:
    Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries.
    We really appreciate the feedback from our Steam Beta. We anticipate the 1.4 update going live this week for all on the PC and being sent to the console manufacturers. The Creation Kit won’t be far behind.


    • http://www.twitter.com/sarahfoxes Sarah Fox

      Thought people in this comment thread might like to watch the ‘Creation kit’ video Bethesda launched today, here it is http://www.gamingexaminer.com/bethesda-shows-off-skyrim-creation-kit-in-new-video/12933/

    • Michael Summers

      I’m amused at the sheer number of people who are crying over the bugs and swearing never to play another Bethesda game. This same situation occured with Oblivion and Fallout 3 and yet they went on and purchased this one.

      If you want a game that you can reasonably play to the end from Bethesda, you should wait until they have ceased providing patches. By that point the game is not only playable but fairly well modded as well.

      Also people really should know better than to buy a console version. Bethesda doesn’t target the consoles as their primary version. They target them in an effort to make money. It was pretty much a given that the current generation of consoles would be unable to run this game. They simply don’t have the capacity. Anyone who bought it for console should smack themselves for being idiots and go buy a real computer. Something with the 4GB+ that can actually handle it properly.

    • Anonymous

      I’ve noticed more and more so called triple A games being rushed out not complete and developers using patches to somewhat patch things up.(pun intended)

    • Kenneth Fortier

      LOL. Whatever kids. There isn’t anything to replace the void that would be created when you stopped playing Bethesda games. Stop hatin’. You know you’ll buy Fallout 4.

    • Anonymous

      I can’t even play it anymore. I cant play for more than 30 minutes without it freezing up.

      Such an awesome game, rushed for Christmas… This has stained Bethesda’s name in my book. I’ll never buy another on of their games until it’s been out for at least 6 months

    • http://twitter.com/decyphersmc Scott McLean

      I dunno, I just finished the main storyline this past weekend and didn’t really have too many problems and the game was most certainly ‘playable’. It did freeze on me once, but I’ve had a lot of games do that to me every now and then.

      I definitely did get anywhere near the 100 hour play time mark though.

    • Anonymous

      I second that. Bethesda is the biggest con-artist in the business. Almost three months after release they still haven’t fixed a product they knew was broken. (Their promised “fix” for January never arrived on any platform, in a week’s time it’s been exactly 3 months)
      A great game is not a game unless it actually works.
      I think it’s a scandal, and the fact that they haven’t been taken to court on charges of false advertsing is beyond me.

    • Sebastien Ramsamy

      honestly, this is the most anticipated patch in history for all the wrong reasons imaginable, Bethesda has transformed what could have been the best gaming experience to date and turned it to the worst nightmare ever (video game wise).
      I have stopped playing Skyrim for a while now and cannot wait to finish this game but have to admit that I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER BETHESDA GAME AGAIN…to think that they released this unfinished game for the sake of the release date of 11.11.11 is absolute non-sense seeing as the customer services since has been beyond poor.

    • http://www.twitter.com/sarahfoxes Sarah Fox

      @google-1ab7e91076af6adefbfe5f5418bd2aac:disqus the complete list of ongoing fixes for 1.4 can be found here http://www.bethblog.com/2012/01/19/news-on-the-creation-kit-and-game-updates/

      there are a lot to say the least

    • Andy Niel

      I hope are more fixes coming that just the one listed above! I would like to see a fix for the poor shadow system and the time of day shift that drives me nuts.

    • http://www.twitter.com/sarahfoxes Sarah Fox

      bob bob, my comment “most anticipated” was ment as some light humor, regarding the coverage and time that has gone into it. On both the press-side and the development side. If it wasn’t clear then that would be my fault.

    • Daniel Meda

      bob bob if you complain why do you even play it or even read about this is info for people who care about the game not people who criticize it besides this is bethesdas biggest release yet cut them some slack

    • bob bob

      “The most anticipated patch in gaming history”
      Hyperbole aside, I think this patch can be filed under to little to late. PS3 players have had a bug ridden game and the whole save file problem for over two months. THat is unacceptable and the only reason people let them get away with it is because they are Bethesda, with their army of blind rabid fanboys defending them tooth and nail despite they game crippling bugs.

      THe PC community was promised the Creation kit at release but predictably, Bethesda lied and made us wait months for something that has already been pushed back to February. Another lie on their part. I know top modders who have completely given up on modding the game thanks to the repeated delays on the creation kit. I think other developers can look at Skyrim and Bethesda and take a note at what not to do for a games release.

    • http://twitter.com/ALEX_McLEOD_ ♥ Alex McLeod ♥

      yo i been waiting so long i jus been cosplaying this mutha

    • Tony Torres

      I want the kit now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!