If you are going to make a collector’s edition for your game, then you might as well make it rememberable. Thats seems to be the motive behind Ubisoft’s upcoming CE of ‘Splinter Cell: Blacklist’.
As you can see in the picture below, the collector’s edition of the game is loaded with physical and downloadble extras. The collection has an MSRP of $169.99 and comes with the following extras.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
- An 88-page Splinter Cell graphic novel ’Echoes’
- A poster of the game
- The ‘Billionaire’s Yacht’ co-op map
- The ‘Upper Echelon’ DLC Pack which includes both the ‘Dead Coast’ co-op and ‘Gold Sonar Goggles’ with the ‘Upper Echelon Suit’/
- The Paladin airplane remote control replica